How To Start Vlogging On YouTube | How To Make Vlogs On Youtube?


Are you wondering how to start vlogging on YouTube?! Well, it’s easier than you think. YouTube Vlogging has grown significantly recently, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. As smartphones and the internet are available for everyone, people have started doing vlogs on YouTube to generate revenue. Some people do it for fun and some do it for money.

Whatever the reason may be, you can be a successful vlogger once you post content that people require. With that being said, we will discuss how to start vlogging on YouTube, and also its benefits in this article.

What is Vlogging?

To answer the question of how to start vlogging on YouTube, well, we all must have heard about blogging. Right?! Similarly, vlogging is a term that defines “video blogging.” To be precise, vlogs are just blogs in the form of videos. When compared to blogging, vlogging describes everything in detail and makes us easily understand as it explains in visual contexts.

Moreover, people who are not patient enough to read blogs, tend to watch vlogs to get a better experience. Vlogging has also emerged as one of the most prominent businesses where creators invest their time to earn from it.

How To Start Vlogging On YouTube?

Let’s now see how to start vlogging on YouTube. If you want to become a vlogger, you have to make sure that you can do these things without any flaws.

1. Practice Fluent Speaking

The first thing to do when you have a question about how to start vlogging on YouTube is to practice speaking with a flow. And how do you do it? With just a mirror! All you have to do is stand in front of the mirror and talk about something.

If you are able to talk without any hesitance, well done, you are now ready to start vlogging on YouTube!

Best Ideas:

Topic Exploration Sessions: Regularly spend time in front of a mirror exploring different topics you’re passionate about. This helps in developing a natural flow of speaking and boosts confidence.

Public Speaking Exercises: Practice speaking aloud in front of a small audience, such as friends or family, to simulate real-life vlogging scenarios and receive constructive feedback.

Scripted vs. Unscripted Practice: Alternate between scripted content (following a prepared script) and unscripted content (speaking off-the-cuff) to improve both delivery and spontaneity.

Voice Modulation Exercises: Work on varying your pitch, tone, and pace while speaking to keep viewers engaged and convey emotions effectively.

Storytelling Practice: Focus on storytelling techniques to captivate your audience, emphasizing narrative structure, character development, and engaging beginnings and endings.

2. Choose a Niche

Once you gain the confidence to speak in front of the camera, the second thing that you have to do is select a niche to create vlogs. To choose one, you need to research online to find the right niche that has a high demand from the viewers’s side. Moreover, find out the niche that has high CPM (cost per thousand) rates for the videos that you post on YouTube.

Best Ideas:

Passion and Expertise: Select a niche that aligns with your passions and expertise, as genuine interest will sustain your motivation and creativity over time.

Market Demand Analysis: Use tools like Google Trends, YouTube Analytics, and social media insights to identify trending topics and gauge audience interest in different niches.

CPM and Revenue Potential: Research niches with high CPM rates to maximize earnings potential. Consider industries like finance, technology, and lifestyle that typically attract lucrative advertising.

Evergreen vs. Trending Niches: Balance between evergreen niches (consistent demand over time) and trending niches (high current interest but potentially short-lived).

  • Making Money Online
  • Digital Marketing
  • Personal Finance and Investments
  • Educational Content
  • Tech, Cars, and Gadgets
  • Lifestyle
  • Fashion and Try-On Hauls
  • Beauty & Makeup
  • Cooking
  • Fitness and Bodybuilding
  • Video Games
  • Comedy
  • ASMR and Oddly Satisfying
  • Motivation & Spirituality
  • Travel

3. Identify The Target Audience

Once you select a specific niche, you need to identify the target audience and their numbers. If a niche has a large amount of viewers or audience, then your videos on YouTube are likely to go viral as many people try watching them.

Moreover, you also need to make sure that there aren’t many YouTube channels or that niche. Because, when there are too many well-established YouTube channels in a particular niche, then the audience will prefer to watch videos only on their channels and not on the new ones.

Best Ideas:

Demographic Research: Conduct detailed demographic research using YouTube Analytics and social media insights to understand your potential viewers’ age, gender, location, and interests.

Competitive Analysis: Analyze competitors within your chosen niche to identify gaps in content or underserved audience segments that you can target.

Audience Engagement Surveys: Create polls, surveys, or engage in community discussions to directly gather feedback from your audience on their preferences and expectations.

Content Preferences: Study viewer comments, likes, and dislikes on similar videos to understand what type of content your target audience finds most valuable and engaging.

Creating User Personas: Develop detailed personas representing different segments of your audience. This helps tailor your content strategy to meet specific needs and preferences.

4. Shoot Your Vlog & Make it Unique

If you have chosen the niche, and identified the audience as well, start shooting your vlog. For beginners, you don’t have to buy expensive cameras and vlogging kits. Instead, you can use your quality smartphones preferably iPhones to create high-quality videos.

Plan the duration of the video in advance to execute it correctly. How can you do this?! I suggest you write scripts and read them twice before you start shooting. This will make sure that you don’t exceed the time and make your video lengthy.

Best Ideas:

Creative Storyboarding: Plan your vlog’s storyline or structure in advance using storyboards or outlines. This helps maintain focus and clarity throughout the shooting process.

Unique Filming Locations: Explore unconventional or visually stunning locations related to your niche to add aesthetic appeal and differentiate your vlogs from others.

Incorporate Personal Touches: Infuse your personality and personal experiences into your vlogs to create a genuine connection with viewers and stand out in a crowded field.

Experiment with Formats: Try different video formats such as tutorials, interviews, day-in-the-life, or vlogs with a specific theme to keep your content fresh and engaging.

Collaborate with Other Creators: Partner with other YouTubers or experts in your niche for joint vlogs. Collaborations can bring new perspectives and expand your audience reach.

5. Be Consistent In Posting Videos

It is not easy to get all your videos recognized by people within a short period. What I can suggest is to consistently post videos with patience. If you can do this, then it is for sure your videos will be viewed by people.

When you do this regularly, you will notice that the views and the number of subscribers grow gradually. And believe me, seeing your number of subscribers getting increased is one of the best moments for bloggers!

Best Ideas:

Develop a Content Calendar: Create a weekly or monthly content calendar outlining specific upload dates and topics. This ensures a consistent flow of content and helps manage time effectively.

Batch Filming and Editing: Record and edit multiple videos in advance to maintain a buffer. This strategy helps in meeting upload schedules even during busy periods.

Engage with a Posting Schedule: Experiment with different posting times and days to identify when your audience is most active and likely to engage with your content.

Promote Content Regularly: Use social media platforms and email newsletters to notify your audience about new uploads and encourage them to watch and share your vlogs.

Stay Flexible and Adapt: While consistency is crucial, be willing to adapt your posting schedule or content strategy based on audience feedback, seasonal trends, or algorithm changes.

How To Make Vlogs On YouTube: Best Strategies

1. Understanding YouTube Algorithms

YouTube’s algorithms play a crucial role in determining the visibility of your vlogs. With that being said, understanding how algorithms work can help you optimize your videos for better discoverability:

  • SEO Basics: Learn about YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques such as using relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, and tags.
  • Watch Time and Engagement: YouTube prioritizes videos that keep viewers engaged. Encourage likes, comments, and shares to boost engagement metrics.
  • Trending and Recommendations: Discover how YouTube’s trending section and recommendation system function. Creating content aligned with these can increase your video’s reach.

2. Monetization Strategies

While vlogging can be a passion-driven endeavor, many creators aim to earn income from their efforts. Explore various monetization strategies beyond ad revenue:

  • YouTube Partner Program: Understand the requirements and benefits of joining YouTube’s monetization program, including eligibility thresholds and revenue-sharing models.
  • Alternative Revenue Streams: Explore avenues like affiliate marketing, merchandise sales, sponsorships, and crowdfunding through platforms like Patreon.
  • Understanding CPM and RPM: Learn about CPM (Cost Per Thousand impressions) and RPM (Revenue Per Thousand views) rates. Knowing these metrics helps in estimating potential earnings and optimizing content for higher profitability.

Navigating legal issues is crucial for vloggers to avoid copyright violations and ensure compliance:

  • Copyright Basics: Understand fair use, copyright strikes, and how to use copyrighted material legally (e.g., music, clips from other videos).
  • Music Licensing: Explore options for using music in your vlogs legally, such as royalty-free music libraries or obtaining licenses for copyrighted tracks.
  • Privacy and Consent: Learn about privacy laws, especially when filming in public spaces or featuring individuals in your vlogs. Obtaining consent forms or blurring faces may be necessary in certain situations.

4. Engagement and Community Building

Building a loyal subscriber base involves fostering a community around your content:

  • Interactive Content: Create interactive vlogs such as Q&A sessions, polls, or challenges to engage viewers actively.
  • Community Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with YouTube’s community guidelines to maintain a positive and respectful environment in your comments section.
  • Moderation and Feedback: Implement effective moderation strategies to handle comments and feedback constructively. Respond promptly to viewer inquiries and feedback to build rapport.

5. Advanced Filming and Editing Techniques

Beyond basic filming and editing, explore advanced techniques to enhance the quality and impact of your vlogs:

  • Cinematic Techniques: Experiment with cinematic effects like slow motion, time-lapse, and drone footage to add visual interest.
  • Advanced Editing Software: Learn to use professional editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro for more sophisticated editing capabilities.
  • Color Grading and Visual Effects: Master color correction and grading techniques to create a consistent and visually appealing aesthetic across your vlogs.

6. Long-Term Growth Strategies

Sustaining growth requires strategic planning and adaptation:

  • Analytics and Insights: Regularly analyze YouTube Analytics to track performance metrics and audience demographics. Use insights to refine your content strategy.
  • Collaborations and Networking: Collaborate with other creators to tap into their audience and expand your reach. Networking within your niche can also lead to valuable partnerships.
  • Diversifying Content: Experiment with different types of content formats (e.g., tutorials, vlogs, livestreams) to cater to diverse viewer preferences and maintain engagement.

Best Practices for Vlogging

For you to be a successful vlogger, I have listed some of the best practices for vlogging that you need to ensure. People who are not sure how to start vlogging on YouTube, and those who find their videos are not gaining views can make use of these points mentioned below.

1. Use Good-Quality Vlogging Kits

How does someone like to watch your videos if they aren’t of good quality? Therefore, high-quality vlogging kits and equipment are the solution. They can significantly improve the production value of your vlogs. Use top-notch cameras, microphones, and lighting kits to ensure clear visuals and audio. If you do so, you will notice the videos getting recognized soon.

2. Plan Your Content Effectively

One of the common reasons people do not view the videos is due to poorly planned content. But, when you have a well-thought-out content plan, it can help you stay organized and ensure that your vlogs have a clear direction and purpose. It involves mapping out video content themes and identifying what resonates with your audience.

3. Give More Importance To The Editing Part

I’m sure editing is where the magic happens! It’s not just about cutting out mistakes, but also about pacing your vlog, adding effects, and ensuring that the final product is engaging and polished. When you ensure these, people will start watching all your videos out of satisfaction.

4. Promote Your Vlogs With Social Media

If your videos are not gaining the required views, I suggest you make use of platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter to share snippets and teasers of your vlogs. This can help you reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your vlogging channel.

5. Post Videos On The Trending Topics

When you choose a topic for a video, make sure that the topic is being talked widely between people and social media. Because creating content on trending topics can attract more viewers as these are subjects that people are currently interested in. It’s important to stay updated with the latest trends and create relevant content to keep your audience engaged.

Benefits of Vlogging

So if you ask me what can someone get by vlogging on YouTube, well, the answer is satisfaction. Apart from the revenue that you receive from YouTube, it is the passion and interests of some people who want to post vlogs. There are people on YouTube who make people laugh, educate children, motivate the desperate ones, and more. Some of the other benefits of vlogging are

Creates Awareness: Vlogging is a powerful tool for raising awareness about important issues. By sharing personal stories or highlighting social causes, vloggers can educate and inform a wide audience.

Generates Income: Successful vloggers can generate significant income through advertising revenue, sponsorships, and partnerships. This financial aspect can turn vlogging from a hobby into a viable career.

Enhances creativity:  Vlogging pushes creators to think innovatively and come up with fresh content ideas. It’s a platform that encourages artistic expression through video storytelling.

Improves Communication: Regularly creating vlogs helps improve verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Vloggers become better at articulating their thoughts and engaging with their audience.

Develop a Community of Similar Interests: Vlogging can bring together people from around the world who share similar interests or experiences. This creates a supportive community where ideas and support are exchanged.

I hope you have found out the answer to the question of how to start vlogging on YouTube. Follow these steps and you will make sure to become one of the prominent bloggers and learn ideas to earn money on YouTube as well!



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