Plant a garden you’ll love with these outdoor plant stands


As summer days are coming to a close, it is the perfect time to upgrade your backyard. This can be done by bringing in a new outdoor plant stand. There are many outdoor planter stands available on the market today, but you have to know what you want before choosing one. A few tips that will help you get started include: size of your yard, what type of plants you want to grow, and if you’re an owner of hardscaping or not so much. The amount and location of sunlight a particular planter stand receives is another thing that needs consideration before buying one.

There are three main types of outdoor plant stands: umbrella, hanging and platform. An umbrella type stand is the most popular. This is because it does not require any foundation or support. However, you will have to keep in mind that an umbrella stand may not be ideal for including flower plants. These are taller and thus more prone to sun damage on certain days. An alternative to an umbrella type planter is an Hanging Planter Stand which can be found at most garden centers. As mentioned earlier, it needs no foundation or support but it can only hold a few pots at one time so you will have to buy additional stands if you want to grow more plants if you have a smaller yard.

  1. Metal Planter Stand is the most popular stand because of its cost and stability. If you choose this type of outdoor plant stand, make sure to place it in a shaded area. Choose this type if you want your plants to stand straight without sagging. It also provides a modern contemporary look for your yard decor. It is perfect for small or even large sized indoor and outdoor plants including cacti and annuals.
  2. The Wooden Planter Stand is an alternative to metal and can be used for all types of plants. It will maintain your plants’ moisture and prevent root rot. This planter is popular with succulents, herbs and wildflowers. Since it is made from natural wood and plant fiber it will not decompose in the soil, so you can leave your planter out all year. It has a pleasing shape and is simple to assemble.
  3. An Open Slatted Planter Stand is not only the most stylish but also very sturdy and long-lasting. Such a planter stand can be placed in any location within your yard because it allows maximum air flow for your plants to breathe properly. It is ideal for growing herbs or flowers in your garden. An Open Slatted Planter Stand is a versatile piece of garden furniture because it can be used in several ways.

  1. A Closed Slatted Planter Stand is also very affordable and sturdy. It is made of wood and has metal poles that support the planter stand. If a closed slatted stand is placed on a dry surface even if it’s slightly damp, your plants will still be safe from any damage caused by root rot or water damage [to keep things simple, this article does not cover how to manage maintenance of your plants when growing in an outdoor planter stand].
  2. The Wooden Yard Art Planter Stand is another alternative choice for owners of hardscaped yards since it can be fitted on any type of foundation including cement or bricks. This outdoor planter stand is also made of wood and can be used for all types of plants.

As mentioned before, your outdoor plant stand needs to be placed in a location that gets the right amount of sunlight. You may find it too dark on some days but that’s okay as long as you have another area that receives abundant sunlight. For this reason, you will have to divide your yard into different zones or areas where you can place your planter stands depending on the type of plants you want to grow.

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